Sunday, December 29, 2019

Levels Of Security Risks And Methods Of Mitigation

Levels of security risks and methods of mitigation are not the same for all companies. There are indications that some supervisors show short-lived reactions to the examination of safety. Leaders have many questions concerning methods of communicating the urgency and logistics to management. The awareness and ethics of a successful leader is crucial for the execution of security initiatives such as informing management the necessity for exact security measures. A solid leader is skilled in expressing the appropriate language to clarify security matters in a style easy to comprehend. This leader is well respected and has a security program congruent with the goal of the business. The organization or company’s leaders should be fully on board in supporting the security leader with confidence and facilitation of resources. Budget and guidance are some of the factors that directly affect risk mitigation. The security strategy must adjust to the structure and values of a company i n order to be optimal. The effective security leader must have extensive background and skills. Regardless of these skills, success is not assured. (Hays and Kotwica 2011). This was my first time using the CSU- Global library. It has been over 20 years since I gathered research data from a University. I was able to find the Journal on my first search. The keywords I used were: Leadership, communication, and security. A peer reviewed Journal is a vetted, verifiable, and high quality written article by aShow MoreRelatedAn Advanced Risk Management Method1270 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract This essay aims to debate an advanced Risk Management method while slightly in comparison to other advanced or not-so-advanced processes to deduct the importance on an effective mitigation phase. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Is Kantian Moral Philosophy Inferior - 2034 Words

Is Kantian Moral Philosophy Superior To Utilitarianism And Feminist Ethics? Kantianism, Utilitarianism and Feminist ethics are the three main theories in the field of morality. The assumptions and arguments made by the respective theories vary in their approach. This paper examines the different theories and highlights the strength and weakness of each with examples. The goal of this paper is to support my claim that Kantianism provides a more substantive answer to the question of morality and good life compared to either Utilitarianism or Feminist Ethics. TELEOLOGICAL AND DEONTOLOGICAL ETHICS Moral philosophy till recently (20th century) was dominated by masculine concepts. The two main masculine moral philosophies are based on theories propounded by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill called Utilitarian and by Immanuel Kant and W.D. Ross broadly termed as Kantianism. Traditionally, moral philosophers have posited one against the other; as alternative ethical theories. Utilitarian theorists have looked upon this ethical dilemma as consequential meaning the outcome of an act defines the act as ethical or unethical. This is classified as teleological ethics. Kantianism on the other hand lays emphasis purely on the act itself, immaterial of the consequences. This means that an act is ethical if done for the right reasons. This is called deontological ethics. To illustrate the difference between utilitarianism and deontological ethical theories, we may exposeShow MoreRelatedThe Moral Dispute Of John Stuart Mill And Immanuel Kant1500 Words   |  6 Pagesethical path rendering reward with heaven. Aristotle’s theory and argument will be explored further in this review along with the works of some of his successors. The Moral Dispute John Stuart Mill vs Immanuel Kant Philosopher John Stuart Mill’s theory highlights utilitarianism and Kantian theory would be the total opposite. Mill’s position links happiness with morality and focused solely on the outcomes of an action. Philosopher John Kant’s theory emphasizes the importanceRead MoreThe Legality of Marijuana1415 Words   |  6 Pagesguidelines by understanding their moral and ethical obligations. They are the foundations of our day to day life. Whether we choose to obey or disobey the norms and regulations of our social environment is determined by the way we appeal to their distinct morals and ethics. There are many â€Å"ethical situations† in our society on which various people have various different opinions. The legality of marijuana is one such situation in the society regarding the morals and ethics. It is argued worldwideRead MoreUtilitarian Perspective On Feminism1563 Words   |  7 Pagesweaknesses in The Subjection of Women, and a comparison to a more Immanuel Kant approach to the discussion at hand. Prior to delving into John Stuart Mill’s specificities regarding women’s rights, it is important to understand his utilitarian philosophy of thought. Mill’s preferred method is based solely in utilitarian thought. His work focuses on the Greatest Happiness Principle, one that describes happiness as search for â€Å"intended pleasure and the absence of pain† (Mill, 17). This principle explainsRead MoreDoes Pornography Affect Women s Status Essay1996 Words   |  8 Pageshas a negative impact their body image. This explains why Hollywood films, including pornography, emphasizes male sexuality while portraying women as sexual objects. That is to say, women tend to play the more submissive roles and are portrayed as inferior. Additionally, living in a patriarchal society, women tend to be under the supervision of men, especially when it comes to marriage. Therefore, women are not free and they have no right to refuse sexual intercourse with men. In other words, â€Å"pornographyRead MoreFeminist Ethics : Ethics And Ethics2226 Words   |  9 Pagesreject other forms of ethics but it can simply be a supplement. It will help aide different forms of ethics to make them less dehumanizing. We can allow feminist ethics to conform our moral framework while taking the insights of other forms of ethics into consideration but still acknowledging their shortcomings. Kantian ethics shows that reasoning is important and that we as humans should know what is right or wrong, but how one reasons and how decisions are made may vary in different situations. KantRead MoreThe Moral Importance And Legitimacy Of Consent Essay2627 Words   |  11 PagesTori Patterson Mrs. Brickhouse-Bryson Philosophy 252 4 May 2015 The Moral Importance and Legitimacy of Consent Across our society, communities alike have rigorously debated about the moral importance of consent. 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Ethics And1325 Words   |  6 Pagesalthough Ross did implement some aspects of Kantian deontology. Both believed there to be duties or moral obligations that we are to follow when making ethical decisions. Kant called his categorical imperative or perfect and imperfect duties. Ross called his prima facia duties, but both agree there are some cases where one may contradict the other. Kant’s views of moral law and categorical imperative leave a lot to interpretation of the reader. Does moral law from each person determine what they believeRead MorePornography Should Not Be Distributed Out The World1784 Words   |  8 Pagespornography is considered as immoral for its dehumanizing, degrading, and sexist representations. Therefore, pornography should not be distributed out the world. According to T.M. Scanlon, the central idea of contractualism in relation to its account of moral reasoning is â€Å"An act is wrong if its performance under the circumstances would be disallowed by any system of rules for the general regulation of behavior which no one could reasonably reject as a basis for informed, unforced, general agreement† (qtdRead MoreWilliam Baxter’s Anthropocentric Justification Regarding Regulation of Pollution1611 Words   |  7 PagesXXXXX XXXXXXXX Alex Hallam Philosophy 252: Contemporary Moral Problems 3 December 2012 William Baxter’s Anthropocentric Justification Regarding Regulation of Pollution Introduction: William Baxter addresses the issue of pollution, using a human-oriented method by which all value assigned to flora and fauna is dependent on each entity’s benefits to humans. In this essay I will briefly explain Baxter’s anthropocentric approach, attempt to show the flaws in Baxter’s arguments, examine his possible

Friday, December 13, 2019

A Hypothetical Case Free Essays

The first thing I would do in this situation if I were the President of the U.S would be to try to get more information about the situation. I would turn to my consultants to get to know where there is any other country that has its own interests in the country discussed. We will write a custom essay sample on A Hypothetical Case or any similar topic only for you Order Now I would request data from the intelligence department to find out whether the revolutionaries get financial, political or some other kind of support from some country, organization or person. Than I would call the OAS meeting and consult them on a course of action they consider being appropriate in this situation. During it I’ll emphasize the importance of assuring safety of the 200 American citizens that reside on the territory of the country.   I’ll listen to their suggestions, and after that I would call an emergency meeting to discuss the situation with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Depending on the choice I would make after consulting the members of the Committee, I would either try secret negotiations with the rebellions or the political force that stands behind them, or call the emergency meeting with the Senate, where I would place the question for whether the U.S should land its Marines in order to help the previous government. As the President of the U.S I have the authority to call the emergency meeting of the OAS, the Senate and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in order to discuss the situation with them and make a decision. Landing Marines without getting an advice from the Congress might create a conflict with it, and the relations with the OAS would be strained if I recognized the rebelling group as the new legitimate government without calling a meeting with them. It is also that the force measures taken by the U.S may call negative reaction from international community, and I would pay much attention to this issue, as in the contemporary situation with terrorism the U.S cannot allow itself to loose the potential allies among the other countries. How to cite A Hypothetical Case, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Music Research Project Essay Example For Students

Music Research Project Essay What are the different elements of music? It doesnt matter what country or race you belongs to, there must be an appreciation or love for some genre of music. When we listen to our favorite style of music it definitely has some physical and emotional effect on us. But do we take time to identify the different components that exist in all the different styles of music we listen to? The music we love listening to has special pack of ingredient which is referred to as musical elements. Today we will look at some of the main elements of music and what they mean to us as listeners. Some of the main elements of music are rhythm, timbre/ instrumentation, melody, harmony, texture, musical form, genre/style, pitch, tempo and articulation. Rhythm Rhythm is one of the most important elements of music. According to Roger Examine in his book, Music: An Appreciation (4th Edition), Rhythm is the flow of music through time; the pattern of durations of notes and silences in music. So therefore rhythm is an arrangement of sounds and silences to create specific musical patterns during a particular time or duration. Rhythm also includes beat, meter, accent, syncopation ND tempo. Timbre/lamentations Timbre (which is pronounced tam-beer) refers to the quality of sound that differentiate one from another. We are able to identify a trumpet different from a saxophone in music because of the timbre or tone color of the instrument. Instrumentation includes the wide variety of musical instruments that exist based on an era and culture of the composer. All musical instruments have its purpose and time in music. Some categories of musical instruments are; voice, brass, keyboard, electronic (electroscope), percussion, strings and woodwind. Melody Melody is a series of notes that are place at different pitch creating a tune. When you hear a saxophone playing Marry had a Little Lamb you will recognize the song because of the tune or melody. A good melody has a beginning, development and an ending. Some important aspects of melody are tonality (the key of the music), intervals, phrasing, articulation and cadence. Harmony Harmony refers to harmonic notation that accompanies the melody of a song. For example; when an individual is singing and the piano is playing in the background supporting the soloist, the piano that accompanies the singer is creating harmony. One interrelated aspect of harmony is chords. A chord includes three or more notes playing at the same time. Harmony can be created by other musical instruments even voices. Texture According to Roger Examine in his book, Music: An Appreciation (4th Edition), texture refers to how many different layers of sound are heard at once, whether they are melody or harmony, and how they are related to each other. Monophonic, polyphonic and homophobic are three popular textures that can be identified easily in music. Musical Form Most music that we listen to is designed so that we can identify the verses and chorus. Musical Form is the way in which a musical piece is structured or designed. In musical form music can have repetition, contrast and variation. There are different Music Research Project By river Two Part (Binary) ABA. Genre/Style Genre/Style simply refers to the type of music. The types of music are based on culture and geographical location. Some genres of music are; Hip hop, RB, Souls ballad, Reggae, Rock and Gospel. Dynamics, Pitch, Tempo and Articulation Dynamics, pitch, tempo and articulation can be classified as part of the expressive features in music. Dynamics is how soft or loud the music is. Pitch is the highness and lowness of sound in music. .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 , .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 .postImageUrl , .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 , .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652:hover , .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652:visited , .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652:active { border:0!important; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652:active , .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652 .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5a007f3b5c17a6b30701305d6fef4652:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Research Paper EssayTempo refers to the speed of the music, how fast or slow the music is been played. Articulation refers to how notes in music are been played. Notes can be played short and detached (staccato) and smooth flowing into each other (legato). Cite: Google. Com. Music Lessons Revealing all the areas in music. Monday, 13 June 2011. Elements of Music. What are the different elements of music?. Web. 1. Microinstructions. Bloodspot. Com/ /elements-in-music-what-are-different. Cached Similar June 13, 2011 But do we take time to identify the different components that exist in al of the main elements of music and what they mean to us as listeners. Big 6 Elements of Music The Big 6 Elements of Music Rhythm (Time Signature) the interference of sound against an underlying pulse (background beat) Melody (Key Signature) # = sharp b = flat two or more notes (pitches) arranged in a particular order Roadman (Form, Layout, Architecture) the plan or organization of a piece of music Tempo (Speed) how fast or slow a piece of music is performed Dynamic (Volume) how loud or soft a piece of music is performed Articulation (Emphasis) how each note is performed 1 . Student. Conflict. Erg/groups/destroy/wick/baobab/ Cached Seep 7, 2012 off piece of music. Tempo. (Speed). How fast or slow a piece of music is performed. Dynamic. (Volume). How loud or soft a piece of music is Professor ONCE 1101 9 September 2011 River Flows In You: Hiram River Flows In You by the South Korean composer Hiram is a calming and beautiful contemporary classical melody. The song is presented very simply, a single artist with a piano, but this simplicity effectively rea ches the audience and creates for them a mood and background to the song. In essence, this work is a love story that is reinstated into a romantic refrain that combines the use of the senses and dynamics to convey the feeling of the melody. Like many other pieces of classical music, when words are not there to convey emotion the composer wishes the audience to rely on their senses and the feelings that come to when listening to their piece of work. In this piece Yardmans melody taps into the senses by giving images of beauty and safety to the audience. When listening to the melody a warmth is felt throughout the entirety of the piece. This warmth is directly related to the theme of love that most audience members feel. The tune conjures up images that relate to love, whether it be a romance between a woman and a man, a widowed lover remembering a moment with their lost loved one, or a mother for her son. The tune is the exact mixture of love and loss in a set of notes repeated in phrases and can be interpreted into the many different forms of love that a person feels. Because the song is an instrumental piece the listener must use their own lyrics that they feel as well as the composers tools to translate the meaning of the song. In this piece of music Hiram relies heavily on the use of dynamics throughout the work. The calm feeling that settles the audience in the beginning of the song is created by the slow tempo and as the song progresses the tempo then increases to a slight climax before going back to its original pace. This use of dynamics in the tempo sets the mood for the entire song, starting with a calmness that relaxes the listener, then as the tempo Continues] CITE: River Flows in You-Hiram Studded. Com. 10 2012. 2012. 10 2012. Sheet music says mezzo piano. The piece gets louder and louder in a gradual crescendo and then roughly two minutes through (depending on how slowly or quickly you play it) there is a diminuendo, which is emphasized by the change from arpeggios to chords in the bass part. Tempo It starts off quite slowly and then picks up on the second line and continues at that speed until the quavers in the right hand begin giving the piece a slightly faster feel. .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e , .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e .postImageUrl , .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e , .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e:hover , .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e:visited , .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e:active { border:0!important; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e:active , .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2122e94689c65df740c61593fcc7663e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Last Song by Skillet EssayThen it slows down again and in a similar time frame picks up again until it drops back to a very slow ending. Form After a 4-measure introduction, a theme is presented. This theme is played over a 2-measure station bass, consisting of the chords F# minor, D major, A major, and E major. Texture The texture is maximized and minimized by the bass part. At the more textured parts the bass part plays arpeggios of the chords, and in the more minimal sections the bass part is simply Just the chords. Harmony River Flows In You is in the key of A major. Instruments It was written for the piano but I have found versions of it being played on the acoustic guitar, the violin, the flute and the harp. Mood The mood of the piece is very calm and almost sedative. The chord F# minor is used to give a nice comparison and extenuates the more uplifting parts of the song which use major chords. The differences in dynamics and tempo throughout the piece are quite minimal which I think gives the piece a steady quality. Much like that of a lullaby, which is the most definitive element of this piece for me.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Characterisitics of Business Leadership Vera Wang Essay Example

Characterisitics of Business Leadership: Vera Wang Paper CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS LEADERSHIP: VERA WANG Describe the business leader’s primary business or businesses, highlighting how the leader got started and analyze the leader’s three (3) major business challenges in establishing and/or running the company. Vera Wang began her career in the fashion industry in 1971, working her way up the corporate ladder to Senior Editor for Vogue. In 1987, she began working for Ralph Lauren, dealing primarily with accessories. In 1987, out of frustration with the lack of options to suit her sophisticated taste, she designed her own wedding gown, commissioning a seamstress to assemble it. This inspired her to launch Vera Wang Bridal House Ltd. , in the Carlisle Hotel on Madison Avenue, New York City. Her primary target was upper class clientel, initially offering bridal gowns by designers such as Guy Laroche, Arnold Scaasi, Christian Dior and Carolina Herrena. Her background spawned her birth as a real player into the fashion world: the discipline she learned from competitive ice skating; the trips to Paris for fashion shows with her mother, as a child; her high-priced education; the mentors she acquired during her career at Vogue and with Ralph Lauren, who broadened her knowledge of fashion. Her background and understanding for the need to fill a niche, in the fashion industry, fuels her passion for designing elegant apparel. Challenge No. 1: Her father removed the burden of start-up costs by giving her $4 million to begin her venture. $1 million was invested to redecorate the two story soon-to-be boutique, while she and her right hand man, Chet Hazzard, sold bridal gowns from a hotel suite, in 1990. CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS LEADERSHIP: VERA WANG In a relatively short amount of time, Vera Wang was custom designing bridal gowns for a market of wealthy clients. Challenge No. 2: Upon the opening of her bridal boutique, Vogue ran a six page spread about Mrs. Wang. This reduced the burden of initial marketing/advertising for her new company, as it attracted a wealth of eager brides-to-be. Thanks to Vogue’s article, she’d made a name for herself, before she’d really done much to plant herself in the fashion design industry. Her philosophy in business was to create a lifestyle of luxury and sophistication for women. By 2000, Vera Wang was worth an estimated $80 million, after adding to her product lines. We will write a custom essay sample on Characterisitics of Business Leadership: Vera Wang specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Characterisitics of Business Leadership: Vera Wang specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Characterisitics of Business Leadership: Vera Wang specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Evening gowns, both modern and elegant, were worn by celebrities to special events, providing her with a massive amount of advertising, as her gowns were flashed all over national television and news articles. Bridesmaids dresses were introduced. She’d signed licensing agreements for shoes (Rossimoda), furs (Newmont Group) and fragrance (Unilever), all before the year 2000. $10 million in sales in 1995 to a value of an estimated $80 million in 2000, is clearly an indicator that Vera Wang understood the need for growth with demand. She’d opened her second fullsize boutique in 1998. Her first fashion show was held in New York in 1998, as well. Another boost to global brand identity was her 1994 handbeaded ensemble, worn by figure skater, Nancy Kerrigan, at the 1994 Olympics. There was no shortage of public recognition, whereas marketing and advertising proves to be very costly for business owners, particularly at start-up. CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS LEADERSHIP: VERA WANG By 1994, she’d expanded by selling bridal and formal wear at upscale department stores, such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus. Made-to-order couture designs, lingerie, jewelry, eyewear, footwear, sportswear and home products were added to broaden the product line, over the course of several years. By 2002, Vera Wang had two factories, one in Florida and one in Ohio. By that time, she also owned dozens of boutiques. Her desire to reach all classes of clientel led her to release her wedding guide: Vera Wang on Weddings, in 2001. She realized that not everyone could afford a Vera Wang gown. This was the means to reach out to those who wouldn’t buy a Vera Wang gown. In 2006, she furthered her efforts to reach a broader base of clientel by releasing the Vera Wang Read-to-Wear line, which she claims to have taken a financial loss in. Her plan is to make her product â€Å"widely known and widely worn†. The Ready-to-Wear line is exclusively featured at Kohl’s department store, affordable to the less wealthy customer. Challenge No. 3: Another challenge Vera Wang has faced is the shorter turn around times between shipments of new lines. She’s had to adjust her line of thinking and operations to suit the need for a new line, every couple of months, rather than the twice a year that it once was. This also reduces the time to select which pieces will be successful, in each new line, increasing the risk for poor sales, should they make the wrong choices in these selections. Not only is selection of pieces important (as trends and climate vary by area), but they are allotted less time to make such decisions as what sources for material they will use, where different components will be made and assembled and what path of shipment will be utilized. CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS LEADERSHIP: VERA WANG Analyze this business leader’s leadership style and discuss how he or she has adapted to cultural differences and how he or she operates the business effectively in global markets. Her leadership style reduces the pains, somewhat, in the challenge just mentioned. She’s been quoted as stating, â€Å"You’re only as good as your team†. Executives, who work for her, assist her in making these decisions. These selections take place at design meetings, between her and Vera Wang executives, as time for a new product release approaches. This would suggest that Vera Wang illustrates a participative leadership style, where important decisions, such as which pieces will be featured in each retail season, are made as a group. She has been quoted as stating the following: â€Å"I try to share a tremendous amount with my staffers. I feel everything (tribulations of the business, the responsibility to people who depend on me to feed their families). Those things are always in my decision making processes†. She understands the theory that the means to achieve brand identity and to keep your name â€Å"hot† varies widely across the globe. Her entry into the global market has been slow. She pursues a three tier strategy: luxury, midpriced and disounted, particularly with the weakening economy. She refers to this strategy as â€Å"casualized couture†. She has outlined a five year plan for entry into the Asian and European markets. CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS LEADERSHIP: VERA WANG Evaluate this business leader’s theory of business leadership, management, and methods for motivating individual and group behavior. As previously stated, her staff is a pivotal part of the decision process within the company. They are often a direct part of decisions, creating a sense of ownership, to an extent, in the minds of those who work for her. Vera Wang offers competitive pay, generous salary options, flexible work schedules, paid training and a health and wellness plan, which consists of health, dental, vision and life insurance. Discuss how this business leader has made an impact on the world through his or her vision, business, and through other areas (e. g. , philanthropy, environmentalism, etc. ). Sophisticated style has always been Vera Wang’s focus, since her entry into the fashion industry. She places high emphasis on customer service and personal relationships (her mentors, her customers, her employees), as well. She stated, â€Å"All businesses are personal businesses†. Part of her success is attributed to the importance of personal relationships and connections, to her. She believes that her commitment, to relationships and connections, is the secret to her success. Not only does her staff sell gowns, but they also offer advice on accessories, hair style, shoe selection, jewelry and flower selection. She wants her customers to feel like they’re getting an upscale product with upscale treatment, whether they’re paying several thousand dollars or CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS LEADERSHIP: VERA WANG double digits for a product. Design, thought, care and attitude are important to her in terms of what she offers customers. In 1999, her sense of social responsibility was clearly indicated when she turned a Miami Beach, Florida fashion show into a fund raiser for two AIDS organizations. She appeals to the entire market, even though she’s coined as a designer of luxury. References (2011), AE Television Networks, Vera Wang. biography http://www. biography. com/people/vera-wang-9542398 (2011), InfoMat, Inc. , Vera Wang Fashion Designer http://www. infomat. com/whoswho/verawang. html Kori Ellis, About. com, Vera Wang – Fashion Designer http://accessories. about. om/od/fashiondesigners/p/vera-wang. htm Reference for Business, Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed. , Vera Wang Bridal House Ltd. http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/businesses/M-Z/Vera-Wang-Bridal-House-Ltd. html#b (April 13, 2011), [emailprotected] Wharton, The Democratization of Fashion: William Fung and Vera Wang on the Implications of Going Global http://knowledge. wharton. upenn. edu/article. cfm? articleid=2752 (May 4, 2009), My Financial Times, Leadership Secrets of Successful CEO’s http://www. myfinancialtimes. com/2009/05/04/LeadershipSecretsOfSuccessfulCEOs. spx CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS LEADERSHIP: VERA WANG Venus Williams, Kelly E. Carter, Come to Win: Business Leaders, Artists, Doctors and Other Visionaries http://books. google. com/books? id=_LhvHY7GACsCpg=PA76lpg=PA76dq=vera+wang+as+a+business+leadersource=blots=Sl_t6qAj_Xsig=HjueX rJMUAdd3zSp2N14N1x6aA0hl=enei=yHvaTsjUIoODtgfTwfWWCwsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=8ved=0CFcQ6AEwBw#v=onepageqf=false Ray A. Smith, (September 17, 2010), The Wall Street Journal, Vera Wang’s Idea of Empire: Marry High, Low and In Between http://online. sj. com/article/SB10001424052748703597204575483643246884082. html Samantha Critchell, (October 27, 2010), The Times Leader, Vera Wang: 20 Tips Learned over 20 Years http://www. timesleader. com/features/Vera-Wang-20-tips-learned-over-20-years-. html Ricky W. Griffin, Management http://books. google. com/ books? id=R-OvGf0pvK8Cpg=PA495dq=vera+wang+and+leadership+style+with+employeeshl=enei=k4PaTq7ZC4qCtgez5YXxAQsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=1ved=0CEUQ6AEwAA#v=onepageqf=false

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Two Weeks with the Queen by Mary Morris Essay Example

Two Weeks with the Queen by Mary Morris Essay Example Two Weeks with the Queen by Mary Morris Essay Two Weeks with the Queen by Mary Morris Essay Essay Topic: Literature Two weeks with the queen the play by Mary Morris is mainly about a boy who has to grow up and face the responsibilities of an adult. Colin and Alistair face many difficulties. Colin has to bear the illness of his brother, while Alistair faces the difficulty of standing up for himself. In this play many new things are learnt about coping with the challenges thrown at us by life. Alistair and Colin’s personality develops during the play. Colin Mudford is a 12 year old boy who lives in Australia. In the beginning his character is rowdy, rogue and rebellious. The line ‘Why wouldn’t the ambulance driver let me in the ambulance? Eh? I’ve never been in an ambulance. Why wouldn’t she? ’ indicates Colin’s arrogance and unwillingness to listen. At the start of the play Colin is a just an immature child who can’t control his emotions. Colin’s cousin Alistair, lives in England with his overprotective parents. Alistair’s personality is anxious, frightened and extremely dependant. ‘Quickest way’s by tube, but it’s pretty dangerous. You have to get in the same carriage as dozens of other people. You can catch cold, or flu, or anything’, this line demonstrates Alistair’s scared and worried personality. There are many differences between Alistair and Colin. Alistair’s personality is timid and shy whereas Colin’s personality is outgoing and wild. Colin and Alistair both face many challenges. Colin faces the challenge of facing and understanding his brother’s ailment. Colin doesn’t understand Luke’s illness. He thinks that anything is curable and that the doctors are ‘bein’ slack. ‘If they can sew a bloke’s foot in and put a new heart in somebody surely they can cure a bit of cancer’, this quote demonstrates Colin’s inability to cope and understand how great Luke’s cancer is. On the other hand Alistair faces the problem of being overprotected and overruled by his parents. Alistair is under total control of his mother and father. He has no say and no independence. ‘Now Alistair, take two kelp tablets every four hours with water and one vitamin C tablet every two hours with milk and no running around’ this quote clearly proves that Alistair is told each and every thing to do and is not permitted to be independent or look after himself. The characters of Alistair and Colin change quite rapidly. Colin changes from rowdy and arrogant to calmer and understanding person. Meeting the gay couple, Ted and Griff is one of the causes of Colin’s change in personality. Colin realizes that he isn’t the only one with problems and learns to control his wild emotions. ‘Colin, I know you probably don’t like soppy stuff. But we wanted to say thanks. ’ This line shows that Colin has changed and made a few miserable people happy once more. Colin’s personality also changes because of the separation between him and his family. Alistair changes his personality later on in the play. He gains courage and stands up for himself. He learns how to be brave and confident from his experience with Colin. ‘Do this Alistair, do that! Well, I’ve had it! What makes you grown-ups so smart that you know what’s best for everybody? ’ This line shows that Alistair has learnt to be independent and stand up for himself. The challenges of growing up are many. One has to learn how to deal with problems, issues and responsibilities. Learning how to understand and face challenges is another focal point in growing up. Alistair and Colin both deal with these issues in different ways. Colin learns by making new friends and being separated from his family and friends. Alistair faces his challenge with the help and experiences with Colin. Both boys successfully manage and overcome these issues. The personalities of Colin and Alistair change. Alistair changes from being small and unimportant to bold and brave whereas Colin changes from being rowdy and rebellious to understanding and mature. This play helps one understand that growing up is a challenge but with the help of others it becomes much easier.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Increase in flights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Increase in flights - Essay Example DS-3 flew with 21 to 32 passengers (Hoyle and Knowles, 1998). By the time, DS-4 and DS-6 revolutionized the passenger flights and the power associated with them. Boeing and Airbus are two major companies that are providing the world with the passenger airplanes (Armstrong, 1993). The biggest passenger aeroplane is Airbus A-380. It is a double deck plane and made its first flight on 27 April 2005. The seating capacity for this plane is almost 853 for economy class or 525 people in a three-class arrangement. The airbus A-380 can reach the speed of almost 900km/hour or 0.85 mach (Cullingworth, 1997). History Fight history is full of experimentations and theories. The initialization in the field of flying is initiated by the Chinese. Chinese discovered kites round 400BC and people at that time thought that someday man could be able to fly in the air using kites or some other mechanism (Hoyle and Knowles, 1998). After that people, experimented big kites to fly in air but in vain. Chinese used these kites for fun and in their religious ceremonies. These kites are also used in weather testing. In 1480, Leonardo da Vinci proposed many theories about the flight and drew about 100 drawing to support his theories but his flight mechanism never came into reality (Hoyle and Knowles, 1998). In the year of 1783, Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier developed the first hot air balloon. The invention of hot air balloon opened new ways to develop an aircraft. About two centuries ago in 1804 a model of a real time glider is proposed by George Cayley (Armstrong, 1993). The model glider has fixed wings and a movable tail. This concept revolutionized the flight history. In 1853, George Cayley’s invented a glider, which was able to carry man. He named the glider ‘New Flyer’ and it took his footmen across Brompton Dale. In 1874, a piloted aeroplane was made by Felix du Temple, which ran down a ramp (Barrass and Madhavan, 1996). He named it ‘Hop’ and it is un able to take off using its own power. Clement Ader in 1890 created the first piloted aeroplane that is able to take off by using its own power. The name of this aeroplane is Eole. In 1893, first controlled flight was made by Otto Lilienthal (Cullingworth, 1997). He made a true controlled flight and glided up to 230 meters. Wright brothers made a sustained controlled flight in 1903 at Kitty Hawk (Barrass and Madhavan, 1996). Wright brothers made a remarkable contribution in the flight history. Douglas airplanes contributed much in the history of the aeroplanes but when Boeing entered in the market of passenger planes, it made a remarkable contribution in passenger and cargo aeroplanes (Armstrong, 1993). In 1947, Boeing came with new design in aircrafts and presented their first plane and names it Boeing 377 Strato Cruiser. It has four piston driven engines (Hoyle and Knowles, 1998). Modern flights are much more advanced and are able to carry hundreds of passengers and tons of cargo w ith them (Newman and Kenworthy, 1999). Today airplanes have advanced turbo jet engines. Reasons for Increase in Flights Flight is the fastest mean of transport today. The speed of a plane depends on its engine. Today aircraft engines are such made that they can be able to carry tons of loads and maintain a high velocity. The property of an airplane that it can cover large distance in a little span of time makes it a major reason in the increase in flights (Tolley and Turton, 1995). It can save you

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Global Perspective of Contemporary Health Research Paper

A Global Perspective of Contemporary Health - Research Paper Example There is an account on coronary heart ailment amid fifty thousand civic sector workers in Finland. They established the anticipated connection amid physical indolence, stoutness, and pervasiveness of coronary heart ailment. A grassroots occasion in 2007 was held in which approximately 20 million inhabitants affirmed war on land pollution, air and water. Primary support disproportionately emerged from youthful, liberal, and largely knowledgeable Whites who were not Hispanic. The inhabitants were pleased with the development of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and consent of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and approximately twelve subsequent rules that guaranteed to manage discharges from industries, vehicles and power plants (Weiner, 62). These measures were to guard the health of employees. The consequences of these strategies comprised of the decline of releases into water sources and the air coming from sewage management systems, industries, power-production station, vehicles, and management of a number of the countrys nastiest dangerous waste sites. After the carnival of the opening Earth Day, the government administration and the citizens of America are now centering on war, terror campaign and the economy as opposed to protection of the environment. The Earth Day event is a Global event and in some countries, it is a vital holiday. The primary promoters of environmental protectors consist of a vast assortment of age clusters, political viewpoints, racial clusters and socioeconomic clusters than 30 years ago. What the community deems as environmental protection has extended and the machinery employed to devise strategy have tailored to these modern challenges. A number of papers have been drafted to commemorate the extension of environmental problems and tools. The NEPA, which authorized environmental effect declarations, was among the pioneer vital parts of federal environmental

Monday, November 18, 2019

Individual Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Individual Case Study Analysis - Essay Example The founder of Honda was very innovative, whereas Fujisawa was an optimistic man who took many decisions related to marketing and financials of the company. The inventory was not encouraging for Honda to enter in the market, as US manufacturers used to sell their motorcycles on consignment and retailers used to provide consumer finance. The Honda motorcycles were leaking oil from engines and clutch of the bikes were not functioning properly. This created huge problems for the company, as reputation of Honda was at stake. The Uppsala model is best suited for Honda because the company was internally very strong in Japanese market therefore; it had liberty to start their operations in the US. The internationalization process model is based on establishing chains in which two variables of internationalization are involved that include change variable and state variable. Supercub 50CC motorcycle was a serious success in Japan, but Honda initially aimed to promote its heavy motorcycles in the US, because the company did not wanted to ruin its reputation in US. The â€Å"Nicest People Campaign† of the company became very successful in US market, and it increased sales of Honda dramatically. Honda should have performed complete market research before entering in US region, as the whole operations of the company was dependent on the report of only two executive’s of the company. ... After the success of Honda motorcycles in Japan, the owner of the company and his partner decided to enter in US market, but dynamics of that market was entirely different from Japanese market. For this purpose, a team of Honda executives was send to US in order to understand market dynamics and making suitable strategy for the company. The obstacles and problems that these executives faced in US, and measures taken to overcome these obstacles are presented in this report with help of past theories and models. Further, this report provides recommendations that can be help Honda to make effective decision making in the future. Transformational Leadership Theory The founder of the company Sochiro Honda and partner Takeo Fujisawa were determined to make Honda amongst the top companies around the world. The founder of Honda was very innovative whereas Fujisawa was an optimistic man who took many decisions related to marketing and financials of the company. Sochiro Honda focused was to ma ke inventions that can become trademark in the industry, but Fujisawa forced him to give concentration on commercial aspect of the business. Both these leaders of Honda were role model for the employees of the company as they were able to motivate their employees for extracting maximum output from them (ManagementStudyGuide). Moreover, executives of Honda were motivated by these two leaders to take strategic decisions for the company in US, as rewards were given to the executives after accomplishing positive results in US market. Issues in US Market Fewer Dealers: The number of dealers in US market was extremely low and there were only 3000 dealers for the whole motorcycle industry of America. More than 50% of those dealers were not willing to open their business

Friday, November 15, 2019

Learning How To Write Well English Language Essay

Learning How To Write Well English Language Essay The desire to learn how to write and read started earlier than my preschool year. Growing up in a family where respect and education were the primary focus for their offsprings, it wasnt only a good thing for my youth but has helped me later in my life. I was taught that learning is not only obtaining skills and knowledge, but the ability to apply the new understanding, such a asking for food when I felt the pain of hunger. While, later in my life I was educated that learning is the ability to contextualize the variety of contexts which vary from region to region, institution to institution, and between groups with different social-economical backgrounds. Learning how to write well, it all started in primary school. Primary school was the place where I created my foundation for writing well. This foundation was build on by different writing exercises, such as course handbook and writing workbooks in and out of classroom. I learned to copy definitions of literary terms in my notepad and memorize them, without considering its larger meaning. This helped me learn writing skills and knowledge in multiply lesson types. Dictation exercises were another form used in school to advance my writing skills and knowledge. Being a verbal thinker, dictation was one of my preferred ways of learning how to write well. This form of writing helped me visualize the structure and grammar mistakes I made during the writing process. As my education advances, I use written feedback from professors and peers to understand the expectations which they have. Through this method, I not only become more familiar with my writing, but it helps me improve my generati ve thinking. Helps me develop ideas in writing from different points of view, and assists on improving my initial thoughts. Learning vocabulary skills in the context of writing started as early as elementary school. Completing practice workbooks and exercises on short stories I read during class. And create a dictionary with new words I came across in children books and other words presented by my teacher. Visual activities prepared by the teacher, were practices which I had to find in use in my children books in my local library, this meant reading a great quantity of short story books, and getting familiar with the plot concept and theme in the context of writing. To help me bring my knowledge to test, my teacher would require me to write a short story of my happiest moment during a weekend. The combination of visual and integrated activities provided ways for me to put my understanding to use in the context of larger writings. I can clearly say that this form of teaching was effective in learning how to use vocabulary in writing. What if, peer and self-evaluation were parts of activities? I believe it would have helped me improve my writing mechanics and vocabulary which could be used later in class discussions. Depending upon any other approach rather than the visual and integrated activities would not have been affective, because integrating larger goals in the context of writing would have been too much. Integrated and visual activates worked in none-linear and separated form, both were effective on making me understand the context of writing in the smaller scale. With the necessary skills and knowledge, I was ready to learn how to become reflective about my own writing performance. With skills and knowledge such as, strategies on approaching writing tasks, discussing prompts which support cognitive thinking, it was time for me to explore and extend literary understanding beyond the initial interpretation, and most importantly achieve creative thinking beyond the initial thoughts. Dictation was the answer to this stepping stone. Dictation is nothing more than a class exercise which helps students develop grammar, writing communications and improve listening comprehension. Using this learning device I have been able to diagnose and correct grammatical mistakes, learn punctuation, and develop my thoughts. This form or this learning device has helped teachers analyze and address the grammatical and comprehension weaknesses in students such as myself. The most important benefit on using this learning device is the ability to make corrections myself or my teacher. Dictation activities exercised were a combination of traditional spelling and punctuation problems to ac tivities where personal opinions were tested. Besides its benefits, dictation was a form of losing time on noticing language mistakes that are overlooked and commonly made. By reading and writing more literature these common mistakes would be improved. Dictation is not widely issued in English teaching systems, because it is considered an older technique. In comparison, most European countries still use dictation as a technique for teaching and improving students in grammatical and comprehension skills. In addition to dictation, professors feedback gives me an opportunity to improve and analyze my work. Getting the facts right is what writing well is all about. If the reader or the audience is misinformed, feedback is what the writer gets in response. If the point is not reached in writing the feedback is not a critique, but an explanation on how well the writing expectations are met, and what can be done for improvements. Receiving written feedback helps me understand the expectations of my audience, and helps me understand and meet the expectation of my own writing. This method has given the ability to improve my initial thoughts to thoughts which are expected by the audience. I expect written feedback of any form in my writing, because this puts my writing in a particular way to an end or makes me repeat it. Positive punishment (lower grade) makes me put an end to the way I write and or positive reinforcement (better grade) makes me repeat my writing in a behaviors term. Although feedback is one of the most important forms on learning how to write well, there are still problems a ssociated with this approach. First, the written feedback I receive most of the time is hard to interpret due to the illegible handwriting, including un-clear terms and symbols. In addition, the implemented time on feedback is crucial. The majority of time I receive late feedback and time doesnt permit to apply the changes to my writing. This issue can be solved if the institutions increase the time constrains available for feedbacks. Paying attention to the written feedback I receive is improving my skills in writing well. Feedback is more than often provided by experienced writers, which can have no end when learning the skill on how to write well. Therefore, learning how to write well is not only obtaining the skills and knowledge, but is the ability to apply the skills and knowledge to meet the audience expectations. However, as I have shown visual and integrated activities are used on building the foundation to writing well. Enhancing vocabulary terms and using it on writing was the main concentration of these activities. Class dictation has been the most beneficial method to my learning, as it helped me perfect my writing skills and raised awareness of problematic areas in my writing. Given that dictation activities provide the opportunity to compare written work with a professors work. As my writing advances, Im become a better writer, and the writing process is becoming less painful when I receive written feedback. The fact that this method is the most preferred way for many students including myself to achieve excellent writing; it clearly shows the importance written feedback have on students. Most of the time peer feed back indicates the type of error but not the place of error; this significantly improved my ability to find the error and help avoid the wrong initial thought. All in all, using course workbooks, dictation and feedback Ive been able achieve skills on how to write well.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Analysis of the Guiness Trust LTD Business Plan Essay -- essays resear

For any successful business such as the Guinness Trust one needs to have a business plan, which normally comprises of a 5 year plan detailing their operating plans. The plan details where you are now, where you want to be and your plan for growth. In short this is a blue print of the steps needed to build any business. A business plan is often required to obtain monetary funds, whether from investors or local government. Potential investors will look at the strength of the plan before your business is considered for investment, they will be looking for a plan which indicates a healthy return of profit. With good business plans instilled, investors will want to join any successful business such as the Parchment Housing Group Ltd which joined as part of the Guinness Trust Group. This plan also helps to structure the financial side of any business, but essentially it helps to raise funds if required. The plan is not just for banks and investors but is a guide post for employees. It al so demonstrates to people that you are worth supporting and communicates to staff and other interested parties in what direction you are heading. Guinness Trust Business plan stated how they were able to focus their efforts, set objectives, what its priorities are, stated their vision, what their core values are and set which way the company was heading. It also enabled it to set realistic targets that allow some flexibility without deviating away from their core objectives. The Guinness trust have sound and comprehensive plans which includes the Strategic Plan , the five year action plan, environmental plan ,construction clients charter action plan and the national action plan. With these plans they are able to sustain a viable business which... ... hardly in companies and nobody had ever heard of e-mails, let alone mobile phones, internet or the company intranet. Present Day companies need to be aware of the latest technologies to be able to stay in competition, and possibly improve their products. Lastly legal constraints which all though not part off the PEST analysis but is part of PESTLE and SLEPT analysis I feel its still just as important as the rest of the categories of PEST. Factors such as changes in law and regulations are such issues that companies need to be aware of and to anticipate in which changes may affect the way they perform. Looking at the business plan of the Guinness Trust Ltd they have more than just covered the basic contents of a business plan when you read it, it leaves you in no doubt that they have covered every aspect that might be asked of them from any future investor.